All Stars Booster
All Stars Booster is designed to be delivered one year after Core. It includes nine 45-minute sessions that reinforce (but do not duplicate) lessons learned in Core
Why a booster? Teens develop quickly and face new challenges during each phase of their development. Reinforcing good beginnings is the only real strategy for success. Young people look forward to continuing to think about and prepare their future. Just ask the kids, they want more and more of All Stars. The booster not only helps ensure lasting prevention effects, it helps develop positive qualities youth need to have to succeed in the future.
All Stars Booster features the same highly interactive methods that characterize every All Stars program and continues empowering students and important adults to have important conversations – initiated in All Stars Core.
The focus of All Stars Booster is on strengthening participants' motivation to avoid risky behaviors (e.g. alcohol use, tobacco use, including smoking, vaping and smokeless tobacco use, marijuana use, opioid use, inhalant use, fighting and bullying, early sexual activity) by reinforcing idealism, positive norms, commitments, bonding and parent/adult attention.
Would you like a free preview copy of the All Stars Core curriculum? Request your preview copy to Anne by calling 336-601-9909 or at