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All Stars Core

All Stars CoreThe central program in the All Stars series is All Stars Core.

All Stars Core is a research-based program and is listed in the National Registry of Effective Prevention Programs by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) and as a promising program by the US Department of Education. All Stars Core meets the National Health Education outcome standards and the requirements of research- and outcome-based prevention programming with 21st Century Learning Centers.

The primary goal with every All Stars program is to delay the onset of risky behaviors. In other words, we want to keep kids from starting to participate in risky behaviors as long as possible.

Targeted behaviors include:

• Alcohol use

• Tobacco use, including smoking, vaping and smokeless tobacco use

• Marijuana use

• Opioid use

• Inhalant use

• Fighting and bullying

• Early sexual activity (All Stars is not a sex education program and does not address contraception of safe sex)

All Stars Core targets the five strategies research has shown to have the greatest impact on delaying the onset of risky behaviors with middle school age students:

  • Building idealism and a belief in the future 

  • Establishing positive norms 

  • Establishing personal commitments to avoid risky behaviors 

  • Promoting bonding to positive peers and a positive adult 

  • Promoting positive parent/adult attention

All Stars Core is student-centered and encourages a high level of student engagement and hands-on learning. The program is process-based (not informational-based) allowing every group of students to make it about them and for them.

All Stars Core features highly interactive group activities, games and art projects, video making, small group discussions, partner work and a celebration ceremony. A parent component encourages youth to interact with parents or other trusted adults through four conversations throughout the program. The program also encourages parents/important adults to use the six effective parenting practices research recommends for delaying the onset of risky behaviors.

Core is designed to be delivered when students are between 11 and 13 years old or in sixth or seventh grade. The program has proven effective in both classroom and community-based settings.

Would you like a free preview copy of the All Stars Core curriculum? Request your preview copy to Anne by calling 336-601-9909 or at allstarsprevention1@gmail.com.

Download a PDF of the All Stars Core Logic Model


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