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Why All Stars?

We Do It Better!

There are many excellent companies and non-profit organizations that provide prevention programs. professional development tools, and evaluation services. Why pick All Stars Prevention products and services over our competitors? We think it's simple. We do it better. All Stars is a science-based program that makes sense. All Stars is based on over twenty-five years of research and practical experience. All Stars is interactive, thought-provoking, and fun. Whether it is our programs, our training, or evaluation services, we provide our clients with the best available products and services.

Consider this: Twenty years of research went into developing All Stars before it was presented to the public and it has been improved every year since. When compared head-to-head with other school-based prevention programs, All Stars has achieved stronger effects.
SAMHSA recently published a cost-benefit analysis of prevention programs. All Stars has greater cost-benefit than any prevention program in its class, returning an estimated $34 in benefit for every dollar expended on the program.

News from SAMHSA: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of All Stars.

1. Shamblen, S.R., & Derzon, J.H. (2009). A preliminary study of the population-adjusted ectiveness of substance abuse prevention programming: Towards making IOM program types comparable. Journal of Primary Prevention, 30, 89-107.

2. Miller, T. and Hendrie, D. (2009). Substance Abuse Substance Abuse Prevention Dollars and Cents: A Cost-Benefi t Analysis. DHHS Pub. No. (SMA) 07-4298. Rockville, MD: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2009.

All Stars is universal.

Prevention needs to reach as many young people as possible. Involving low-risk students ensures thatat-risk students will understand that drug use and other risky behaviors are not normal or acceptable to the peer group.

All Stars is sustained.

Without an effective deterrent, risky behaviors such as drunkenness, drug use, and premature sexual activity increase as young people pass from elementary to middle to high school. For prevention to have its effect, it must be delivered over a sustained period. All Stars provides sustained intervention throughout this period of risk.

All Stars changes what matters.

All Stars works because it changes the factors research has shown to matter most. All Stars programs are developmentally appropriate, student-centered, highly engaging, and span the at-risk years from fourth grade through high school.
